Monday, August 26, 2013

Second Trimester!

The second trimester for this pregnancy flew by.   Transitioning from continuous nausea and fatigue to feeling so good I forget that I am pregnant has been wonderful.  Running especially has been going great.  I have been able to build my mileage back up to 50-60 miles a week and I am still doing some gentle speed workouts on the track.  I am a few days shy of 28 weeks which means that I will be entering my third trimester, so am I anxious to see how long I can keep up this mileage as my stomach really starts to get even bigger than it already is.

Unlike my last two pregnancies this is the first pregnancy that I have had a few marathons under my belt.  Because of this, I think that going for longer runs while pregnant has been easier.  Before I had run a marathon, running over 80 minutes would be sort of a long run for me.  After marathons however, 80 minutes became just a normal day and long runs were more like 2 and a half hours.  I have for sure seen the mileage increase help training during this pregnancy.  The other two times I was pregnant, by 28 weeks an hour run felt pretty long.  This pregnancy however, I am still getting runs in 80 and 90 minutes this pregnancy pretty far along (not everyday, but at least once a week).  Additionally, I think that my body is just more used to running pregnant now that it is my third time around.  The first time getting used to running with so much weight in my stomach was very new and very hard to acclimate to.   Now that I have spent a total of 24 months of my life pregnant, I think that my body has become more conditioned to just getting out there and running and the discomfort has really not been bad at all.

I was also able to get a few races in during the second trimester!  In my past two pregnancies I did a few 4 and 6 mile races, so I thought I would try something new this time around.  Rather than a longer race, I had the opportunity to do two road miles.  The first was on the 4th of July in a very low key race.  Luckily a guy friend of mine was doing it too so we could pace each other, otherwise it would have been a time trial.  We both came through the line in about 5:21 which was just about what I expected.  It was so fun to get out there and just find out what my pregnancy mile time was.  Additionally I wanted to prep for another more competitive mile took place a few weeks later (The San Rafael downtown mile that I have the CR in  with a time of 4:49).   This race was far more exciting and I was able to run 5:18, which I was happy with.  It was very funny watching peoples reactions as I ran by with a giant belly!  See pic below:

In general, this pregnancy has been going great!  I am excited to see what happens to my body the last trimester and even more excited to meet this baby girl in November!  The summer flew by and walking around on beaches and at the swimming pool with a giant belly has been a blast!  Further, I can't be happier with how running has taken a turn compared to the first trimester which has kept me excited too for getting back in shape ASAP post baby.